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The film was very well received, both critically and commercially made for $18 million, it earned $262 million worldwide. It is the second of four films built around Baron Cohen's characters from Da Ali G Show (2000–2004): the first, Ali G Indahouse, was released in 2002, and featured a cameo by Borat the third, Brüno, was released in 2009 and the sequel to Borat, Borat Subsequent Moviefilm, was released in 2020.īorat was released on 2 November 2006, in both the United Kingdom and United States, by 20th Century Fox. Much of the film features unscripted vignettes of Borat interviewing and interacting with real-life Americans who believe he is a foreigner with little or no understanding of American customs.

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Baron Cohen plays the leading role of Borat Sagdiyev, a fictional Kazakhstani journalist who travels through the United States to make a documentary which features real-life interactions with Americans.

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Borat! Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan ( Kazakh / Russian: Борат) (also stylized as BORДT, or simply Borat) is a 2006 mockumentary directed by Larry Charles and starring Sacha Baron Cohen.

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